NEWS & UPDATES January 20, 2025RealChristmasTreeBoard.orgRealChristmasTreeBoard.comWho is Responsible for Paying Assessments?Producers occasionally ask the RCTB to clarify who is responsible for paying assessments on harvested Christmas trees. To simplify, the individual or entity who harvests and sells the trees is required to report the harvest and pay the assessment. It does not matter who owns the land, who planted the trees, or who cared for the trees.If you purchase trees from a grower who harvests the trees, the grower from whom you purchased the trees is responsible for reporting and paying.If you purchase trees from another grower and you take responsibility for harvesting the trees — or have the trees harvested — you are responsible for reporting and paying.
§ 1214.52 Assessments. (b) The payment of assessments on domestic Christmas trees that are cut and sold will be the responsibility of the producer who produces the Christmas trees or causes the trees to be cut.
§ 1214.16 Produce.Produce means to engage in the cutting and sellingof Christmas trees for the holiday market.RCTB-funded Research Projects for 2024-25
The RCTB Board approved eight research projects for 2024-25, investing more than $200,000 in research. Over the past few weeks, we have been showcasing the various research. Below is a summary of one of the approved projects.
Improving Christmas tree plantation establishment: Impacts of seedling quality and preplantTreatments – Michigan State University – Dr. Bert Cregg Mortality of seedlings and transplants is a major concern when establishing conifers for Christmas tree production. Seedlings or transplants that die after planting are a direct loss to growers and result in additional costs to replant. Poor seedling or transplant establishment also results in reduced tree growth and reduced plantation uniformity, further adding to grower costs. In this project, Michigan State University (P.I. Bert Cregg, Department of Horticulture and Department of Forestry) will establish field plots with cooperating nurseries to investigate two approaches to improving plantation establishment: managing seedling quality and cultural treatments at planting. We will work with a cooperating nursery (Northern Pines Nursery, Lake City, MI) to produce seedlings with a range of quality attributes (foliar N concentration, root: shoot ratio, sturdiness index (caliper/height) and will track survival and growth of the seedlings after out-planting. We will also work with cooperating Christmas tree growers to investigate the effects of treatments after planting (e.g., mulch, compost, biochar, shade blocks) on growth and survival of Fraser fir and Canaan fir seedlings. Funds are requested to provide partial support for a professional research assistant, undergraduate labor, and travel.Online Grower Portal Provides Safe and Easy Way to Pay Assessments
RCTB’s new Grower Portal offers growers a safe and simple means of paying assessments online using the ACH payment process. It also streamlines record-keeping and allows you to access your farm’s reporting and payment history. We are happy to report that hundreds of growers have registered. However, a large number are printing out an invoice and mailing in a check to pay assessments. RCTB encourages growers to submit their payments through the secure online process as this will ensure your payments are received by the February 15, 2025 deadline. As a reminder, a $250 late payment charge is applied for any assessments that are not received within 30 calendar days of the due date and a $500 late fee for 90 days of delinquency. A 1.5% per month interest (applied to the outstanding balance and late payment charges) also is applied to any accounts that are delinquent after 30 calendar days. Create your producer profile today!Upcoming Free RCTB Webinar  Free RCTB Webinar: Keys to Managing Phytophthora Root Rot in Christmas Tree PlantationsJanuary 28, 202511:00 a.m. – 12 p.m. (ET)Dr. Gary Chastagner, Washington State University Phytophthora root rot can be a devastating disease for Christmas tree production resulting in high mortality rates of trees during any stage of production. This webinar will outline the mechanisms of PRR spreading, damage and signs of PRR infected trees, and what key management steps growers can take to manage PRR in their Christmas tree fields.
Register for the live session (where you can ask questions) at: https://events.anr.msu.edu/RCTBwinter25/.Share This Email  Share This Email  Share This EmailReal Christmas Tree Board800-985-0773info@realchristmastreeboard.orghttp://www.realchristmastreeboard.orgCopyright © 2022. All Rights Reserved.
Real Christmas Tree Board | PO Box 77 | Howell, MI 48844 USUnsubscribe | Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice
 NEWS & UPDATES January 20, 2025RealChristmasTreeBoard.orgRealChristmasTreeBoard.comWho is Responsible for Paying Assessments?Producers occasionally ask the RCTB to clarify who is responsible for paying assessments on harvested Christmas trees. To simplify, the individual or entity who harvests and sells the trees is required to report the harvest and pay the assessment. It does not matter who owns the land, who planted the trees, or who cared for the trees.If you purchase trees from a grower who harvests the trees, the grower from whom you purchased the trees is responsible for reporting and paying.If you purchase trees from another grower and you take responsibility for harvesting the trees — or have the trees harvested — you are responsible for reporting and paying.
§ 1214.52 Assessments. (b) The payment of assessments on domestic Christmas trees that are cut and sold will be the responsibility of the producer who produces the Christmas trees or causes the trees to be cut.
§ 1214.16 Produce.Produce means to engage in the cutting and sellingof Christmas trees for the holiday market.RCTB-funded Research Projects for 2024-25
The RCTB Board approved eight research projects for 2024-25, investing more than $200,000 in research. Over the past few weeks, we have been showcasing the various research. Below is a summary of one of the approved projects.
Improving Christmas tree plantation establishment: Impacts of seedling quality and preplantTreatments – Michigan State University – Dr. Bert Cregg Mortality of seedlings and transplants is a major concern when establishing conifers for Christmas tree production. Seedlings or transplants that die after planting are a direct loss to growers and result in additional costs to replant. Poor seedling or transplant establishment also results in reduced tree growth and reduced plantation uniformity, further adding to grower costs. In this project, Michigan State University (P.I. Bert Cregg, Department of Horticulture and Department of Forestry) will establish field plots with cooperating nurseries to investigate two approaches to improving plantation establishment: managing seedling quality and cultural treatments at planting. We will work with a cooperating nursery (Northern Pines Nursery, Lake City, MI) to produce seedlings with a range of quality attributes (foliar N concentration, root: shoot ratio, sturdiness index (caliper/height) and will track survival and growth of the seedlings after out-planting. We will also work with cooperating Christmas tree growers to investigate the effects of treatments after planting (e.g., mulch, compost, biochar, shade blocks) on growth and survival of Fraser fir and Canaan fir seedlings. Funds are requested to provide partial support for a professional research assistant, undergraduate labor, and travel.Online Grower Portal Provides Safe and Easy Way to Pay Assessments
RCTB’s new Grower Portal offers growers a safe and simple means of paying assessments online using the ACH payment process. It also streamlines record-keeping and allows you to access your farm’s reporting and payment history. We are happy to report that hundreds of growers have registered. However, a large number are printing out an invoice and mailing in a check to pay assessments. RCTB encourages growers to submit their payments through the secure online process as this will ensure your payments are received by the February 15, 2025 deadline. As a reminder, a $250 late payment charge is applied for any assessments that are not received within 30 calendar days of the due date and a $500 late fee for 90 days of delinquency. A 1.5% per month interest (applied to the outstanding balance and late payment charges) also is applied to any accounts that are delinquent after 30 calendar days. Create your producer profile today!Upcoming Free RCTB Webinar  Free RCTB Webinar: Keys to Managing Phytophthora Root Rot in Christmas Tree PlantationsJanuary 28, 202511:00 a.m. – 12 p.m. (ET)Dr. Gary Chastagner, Washington State University Phytophthora root rot can be a devastating disease for Christmas tree production resulting in high mortality rates of trees during any stage of production. This webinar will outline the mechanisms of PRR spreading, damage and signs of PRR infected trees, and what key management steps growers can take to manage PRR in their Christmas tree fields.
Register for the live session (where you can ask questions) at: https://events.anr.msu.edu/RCTBwinter25/.Share This Email  Share This Email  Share This EmailReal Christmas Tree Board800-985-0773info@realchristmastreeboard.orghttp://www.realchristmastreeboard.orgCopyright © 2022. All Rights Reserved.
Real Christmas Tree Board | PO Box 77 | Howell, MI 48844 USUnsubscribe | Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice

NEWS & UPDATES January 20, 2025

Who is Responsible for Paying Assessments?

Producers occasionally ask the RCTB to clarify who is responsible for paying assessments on harvested Christmas trees. To simplify, the individual or entity who harvests and sells the trees is required to report the harvest and pay the assessment.


  • It does not matter who owns the land, who planted the trees, or who cared for the trees.
  • If you purchase trees from a grower who harvests the trees, the grower from whom you purchased the trees is responsible for reporting and paying.
  • If you purchase trees from another grower and you take responsibility for harvesting the trees — or have the trees harvested — you are responsible for reporting and paying.

§ 1214.52 Assessments. (b) The payment of assessments on domestic Christmas trees that are cut and sold will be the responsibility of the producer who produces the Christmas trees or causes the trees to be cut.

§ 1214.16 Produce.

Produce means to engage in the cutting and sellingof Christmas trees for the holiday market.

RCTB-funded Research Projects for 2024-25

The RCTB Board approved eight research projects for 2024-25, investing more than $200,000 in research. Over the past few weeks, we have been showcasing the various research. Below is a summary of one of the approved projects.

Improving Christmas tree plantation establishment: Impacts of seedling quality and preplant

Treatments – Michigan State University – Dr. Bert Cregg


Mortality of seedlings and transplants is a major concern when establishing conifers for Christmas tree production. Seedlings or transplants that die after planting are a direct loss to growers and result in additional costs to replant. Poor seedling or transplant establishment also results in reduced tree growth and reduced plantation uniformity, further adding to grower costs. In this project, Michigan State University (P.I. Bert Cregg, Department of Horticulture and Department of Forestry) will establish field plots with cooperating nurseries to investigate two approaches to improving plantation establishment: managing seedling quality and cultural treatments at planting. We will work with a cooperating nursery (Northern Pines Nursery, Lake City, MI) to produce seedlings with a range of quality attributes (foliar N concentration, root: shoot ratio, sturdiness index (caliper/height) and will track survival and growth of the seedlings after out-planting. We will also work with cooperating Christmas tree growers to investigate the effects of treatments after planting (e.g., mulch, compost, biochar, shade blocks) on growth and survival of Fraser fir and Canaan fir seedlings. Funds are requested to provide partial support for a professional research assistant, undergraduate labor, and travel.

Online Grower Portal Provides Safe and Easy Way to Pay Assessments

RCTB’s new Grower Portal offers growers a safe and simple means of paying assessments online using the ACH payment process. It also streamlines record-keeping and allows you to access your farm’s reporting and payment history. We are happy to report that hundreds of growers have registered. However, a large number are printing out an invoice and mailing in a check to pay assessments.


RCTB encourages growers to submit their payments through the secure online process as this will ensure your payments are received by the February 15, 2025 deadline. As a reminder, a $250 late payment charge is applied for any assessments that are not received within 30 calendar days of the due date and a $500 late fee for 90 days of delinquency. A 1.5% per month interest (applied to the outstanding balance and late payment charges) also is applied to any accounts that are delinquent after 30 calendar days.


Create your producer profile today!

Upcoming Free RCTB Webinar


Free RCTB Webinar: Keys to Managing Phytophthora Root Rot in Christmas Tree Plantations

January 28, 2025

11:00 a.m. – 12 p.m. (ET)

Dr. Gary Chastagner, Washington State University


Phytophthora root rot can be a devastating disease for Christmas tree production resulting in high mortality rates of trees during any stage of production. This webinar will outline the mechanisms of PRR spreading, damage and signs of PRR infected trees, and what key management steps growers can take to manage PRR in their Christmas tree fields.

Register for the live session (where you can ask questions) at: https://events.anr.msu.edu/RCTBwinter25/.

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Real Christmas Tree Board | PO Box 77 | Howell, MI 48844 US

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