Summer Meeting Season is Here
The RCTB will be represented at many state and regional Christmas tree meetings this summer. RCTB will be demonstrating the new online reporting option and marketing and communication tools available to all. Hope we see you this summer!
  • Maryland – June 29
  • New York Association meeting – July 12-13 
  • Ohio / Mid-America Association meeting – July 19-20 
  • Michigan Association meeting – July 24-25
  • International Meeting – Nova Scotia – August 1-3
  • Massachusetts Association meeting – August 4
  • Pennsylvania Association meeting – August 9-10 
  • North Carolina meeting – August 9-10 
  • Wisconsin Association meeting – August 16-17
  • Pacific Northwest Conference – September 6-7
  • Georgia Association meeting – September 14
  • Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire meeting – September 21-22
(More events may be added)
Request for Proposals
The Real Christmas Tree Board (RCTB) is now requesting grant proposals for Christmas tree research, for 2024-2025 fiscal year funding. The purpose of the Real Christmas Tree Board Competitive Research Grant Program is to establish and conduct research with respect to the
image, desirability, use, marketability, quality, product development or production of Christmas trees; to the end that the marketing and use of Christmas trees may be encouraged, expanded, improved, or made more acceptable and to advance the image, desirability, or quality of Christmas trees.
Research means any type of test, systematic study, investigation, analysis and/or evaluation designed to advance the image, desirability, use, marketability, quality, product development, or production of Christmas trees, including but not limited to research related to cost of production, market development, testing the effectiveness of market development and promotional efforts, new species of Christmas trees and environmental issues relating to the Christmas tree industry.
Our research budget for the 2024 -2025 fiscal year is $150,000. Proposals may be submitted via email to on or before July 15, 2024. Proposals must be submitted using the RCTB Grant Application, found on the research page of our website,
Keep in mind; emergency project funding may be available at any time if an unexpected need arises in your area.
Priorities set for this grant cycle funding include but are not exclusive to:
• Genetic Improvement – All species, all growing regions
• Environmental and Socio-Economic Benefit of Real Trees – Carbon sequestration capabilities, green space, sustainability
• Insect/Pest Management – insects impacting Christmas tree survivability and quality, wildlife damage, herbicide resistant weeds,
• Improved technology – labor reduction, safety, cost benefit, quality of end product (baling materials, baler pulling devices, shaking, needle loss)
• Disease Management/Resistance
Please email Cyndi Knudson, RCTB Director of Research for additional information.
Real Christmas Tree Board
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