NEWS & UPDATES March 17, 2025

RCTB-funded Research Projects for 2024-2025

The RCTB Board approved eight research projects for 2024-25, investing more than $200,000 in research. Over the past few weeks, we have been showcasing the various research. Below is a summary of the final (of eight) approved projects.


Is Phytopythium vexans Causing Disease in Christmas Trees? – Rutgers University – Dr. Timothy Waller


The purpose of this project is to evaluate the pathogenicity of Phytopythium vexans isolates collected from symptomatic plants in New Jersey, towards commonly grown Christmas trees, including (Abies) Canaan, Fraiser, Concolor, Turkish, (Pseudotsuga) Douglas Fir, and (Picea) Colorado Blue, and Norway. The need for this project originated through sampling where Phytopythium vexans was associated with diseased plantings (particularly Canaan Fir and Douglas Fir), often initiated by flooding, yet could not be definitively linked to causation due to the lack of adequate pathogenicity studies. The project will explore the hypothesis that this pathogen can cause disease in numerous Christmas tree genera and species by completing Koch’s Postulates, thus establishing causation, and ultimately disseminating this information through peer-review publications. Samples will be collected from known infested farms, and

isolated through selective media techniques to obtain cultures. Samples will also be evaluated for cross reactivity with commercially available immuno test strips, avoiding future misdiagnosis with Phytophthora spp. A comprehensive flood-like, zoospore-based greenhouse inoculation technique will also be a result of this study. Genetic information will be utilized to first identify Phytopythium species, then corroborate re-isolations from inoculated and diseased plants, adding ITS1,4 and Cox1 gene information to the NCBI GenBank database. This project aims to gather baseline information on pathogenicity, flood condition inoculations (due to increasingly volatile climatic events) and lay a foundation for variety/provenance trials in the future.

RCTB Research Topic Survey Available Online

RCTB encourages growers to complete the 2025 Research Topic Survey for Growers and help us determine which pest and/or production issues should be addressed via future RCTB-funded research projects. The RCTB Research Committee will use data from this survey to help determine which research proposals to fund.


Growers may complete the survey online using the link to Research Topic Survey for GrowersGoogle form or print the survey and email the completed version to  

Growers Encouraged to Suggest Species for RCTB Tree Guide

Last season, more than 37,000 consumers visited RCTB’s online Tree Guide to help determine what tree best suits their holiday lifestyle. To ensure the page remains relevant with consumers, RCTB is taking suggestions concerning species growers feel should be added to the guide. Growers can submit their suggestions to Marsha Gray, Executive Director for the RCTB, at

RCTB Committees

The RCTB Board, which is composed of growers from across the U.S as well as an importer member, is responsible for making the decisions related to grower programs. In partnership with the Board, RCTB’s six committees advance the work in each of their assigned areas and offer their recommendations to the Board. The committees offer growers from across the U.S. the opportunity to identify and address the concerns and opportunities within our industry. For the next few newsletters, we will feature each of the committees and their roles and responsibilities.


The PROMOTION COMMITTEE is responsible for planning and implementing promotional programs. They recommend public relations and promotional programs to the Board for approval, and direct agency partners in executing approved programs. 


Chair — Jane Neubauer


  • Ashley Ahl, WI
  • Chuck Berry, GA
  • Beau Coan, NC
  • Kate Dodde, MI
  • Travis Drexler, NY
  • Carrie McClain, NC
  • Kari Puffer, OR
  • Mike Stewart, OR
  • JoLynn Stroda, OR
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