2024 NHVTCTA Events
Fall Meeting
Two Day Meeting: September 21-22, 2024
In conjunction with Maine CTA
Great Works Tree Farm
Berwick, Maine
details coming soon!
Summer Meeting Recap
The Summer Meeting was held Saturday, June 22, 2024 at South Farm, Bethlehem, NH View the highlights here….
Special thanks to Farm Credit East for sponsoring this event!
Other Summer Events
Beginner’s Workshop for Christmas Tree Farmers
The Business of Growing Christmas Trees
Shearing, Basal Pruning, Mowing, Insect & Disease Monitoring
A workshop on on shearing and basal pruning, mowing, and monitoring for insect and disease issues will be held at South Farm, Bethlehem. Nigel Manly and Jim Frohn, UNH Cooperative Extension Forester for Grafton County are presenters. Read details and Registration here…..
Jutek Tour
Jay and Christie Weir are inviting all NH-VT Christmas Tree Association members to a very special presentation at Weir Tree Farms in Colebrook, NH, on Wednesday, August 7th from 3pm to 5pm.
We have the privilege to host Jorgen Kaehlershoj from the Jutek Company based in Denmark. Jorgen will be traveling all over the United States from July to September and we are very pleased to be on of his many stops! Jutek is a company that specializes in the development and production of special tractors. Most of them are used for the maintenance of Christmas trees, but they also build tractors for spray tests, nurseries, and other special crops. In addition to their wide range of machinery they have comprehensive experience in the development and manufacturing of customized solutions. The demonstrations that are being done at our farm will only focus on tractors and tools that are made specifically for US Christmas tree production. You do not have to be a member of the association to attend so if you wish to bring others along please feel free. There is no need to RSVP, but if we could get an idea on the approximate amount of people it would be helpful with setting up the logistics of the demonstrations. Click here for the official flyer and invitation from Jutek and their website is www.jutek.us We hope that many of you can join us!
Jay and Christie Weir
Organic Farming Workshop
A free workshop for farmers interested in organic farming. NHVTCTA’s program director, Nigel Manley is presenting at this event in August. For details visit: nofanh.org/craft
Trees For Troops
NHVTCTA is a proud sponsor of the Trees For Troops program. Each year, many of our member farms donate trees, time and money to this great cause. Read more about it here….