What: Webinar, Rights and Responsibilities for Employers of Foreign-Born Workers in Agriculture
When: Thursday, January 16 at 3:00 pm CST/4:00 pm EST.
Where: Virtual, REGISTER HERE
About: The program will provide practical, actionable guidance to help you and your members navigate today’s regulatory landscape to ensure that you and your employees are able to create the stable workplace environment you and your team need and deserve. Legal expertise provided by Zach Szmara, Founder and Executive Director, Immigrant Connection. This training is designed for all employers regardless of business size, number of employees, or sector, and will equip you with tools to safeguard your business and employees.
Agenda highlights:
- Correctly filling out Form I-9 and conducting self-audits
- Identifying which I-9s to retain or dispose of.
- Building a contingency plan
- Training employees on workplace preparedness
- A snapshot of the current political and policy landscape affecting businesses and workforce in agriculture.